My May Goals

Monthly Goals

When I first started blogging way back in 2011, one of my favorite types of posts to share were my monthly goal posts. It’s been such a long time since I’ve put one of these together, but I recently realized that I really missed creating them, so today I’m making the effort to try to get back into the habit of posting a list each month. Bring on May!

May is the beginning of the summer season for me as my teaching job takes a brief hiatus until June, giving me time to focus all of my attention on my small business. I’m really looking forward to being able to give my brand my full attention for a few weeks and see where it takes me! I love having multiple avenues to work creatively throughout the year, but it can leave me feeling like I’ve put a thin layer of myself into each project instead of really going deep. The summer is always a great time for me to assess what is working for me and where I need to grow.

On to the goals:

Blogging, YouTube, & Etsy

-Create and share three DIY tutorials for my YouTube channel.

DIY videos are some of my favorites to create, and since they take a bit more time to put together, I often find that I can produce more of them in the summer. I’m excited to make some sewing videos over the next month focusing on what I’m making for my summer wardrobe.

-Consistently blog twice a week for the entire month.

Since getting back into blogging over the past month, I’ve realized how much I’ve missed it, and I’m looking forward to giving myself a little bit of structure for creating and sharing posts on this platform.

-Grow the apparel side of Bouquet Clothing by focusing on skirt designs.

Since starting my shop, my accessories have been the most successful items I’ve created, but I want to grow the success of the apparel items I make, and more specifically the skirts. Summer and Spring are the perfect seasons for the designs, and I want to work on creating more options to make them more successful.

Personal Growth & Creativity

-Read two books.

Reading is another thing I find more time for in the summer months, and I like to use this time to help catch myself up on my reading goal for the year. This month I’m looking forward to finishing Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and starting the second Harry Potter book.

-Run twice a week.

Over the month April I got consistent with walking every day, but I’ve been itching to get my running shoes on while the weather is so nice. I’m planning to swap two of my walks for runs each week in May.

-Sew something just for me.

It’s funny to me that I miss sewing for myself since I sew every day for work, but I haven’t made a garment for myself in far too long. This month I’m planning to whip up a few things for wardrobe, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Random Extras

-Finally send in that pile of clothes I meant to send to thredUP a month ago.

I decluttered my closet quite a while ago, and I still haven’t sent in the clothing I meant to send to thredUP! Right now you can get Reformation shopping credit for sending in clothes to thredUP, so I definitely want to get them sent before the summer gets too far gone.

-Finish planning my Ireland trip for the end of the summer.

This is probably my favorite goal because I’m so excited about this trip! My best friend and I are headed to Ireland in a few months, but we still have so much planning and booking to do!

-Finally hang up artwork on my walls.

I’ve had art in frames for months, and it’s high time I got it all arranged on my walls. Let’s hope this is the month it finally gets done!

If you’ve read this far, I’d love it if you’d let me know some of your goals for the month in a comment! Happy May friends!

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